Application privacy policy

Privacy policy

We deal with personal information in steel tap application based on the following policy.
In order to use this application, it is necessary to agree to this privacy policy. We assume that you agree to this Privacy Policy at the time of using this application.

Acquisition of personal information

This application uses Google AdMob for ad delivery and Google Firebase, Analytics for usage analysis.

Purpose of using personal information

About ad delivery

This application uses a third-party advertisement service (Google Admob).
For details on Google's advertisement, please see Privacy & Terms

About Usage Analysis

This application uses access analysis tool (Google Firebase, Analytics) for analysis of usage situation.
The data gathered by using the access analysis tool is managed based on Google's privacy policy.
For more information, please refer to our Privacy & Termsを参照してください。

purpose of use

We will use the acquired personal information for the following purposes.
· For quality improvement and service improvement.
· Confirmation such as request and details of request.
· Contact inquiries.
· Creation and confirmation of statistical information.

Provide personal information

As a general rule, we do not offer various kinds of information provided to third parties unless it falls under any of the following cases.

· Case of customer consent.
· In case of entrusting handling to business partners and subcontractors for improving services.
· When there is a need to provide it based on laws and ordinances.
· When requested by judicial or administrative agencies.

Compliance with laws and regulations, norms and reviews

In addition to complying with the laws and other norms applied to personal information held, the author will review the contents of this policy as appropriate and make efforts to improve it. It may be changed at any time without prior announcement due to change of business contents, revision of laws and regulations etc.

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